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Use cases for Transport

See why Kurrent is a great database for transport organizations



Event Sourcing is excellent for transport organizations: using an immutable log of data, a single source of truth makes auditing a much more streamlined process. This is not the only thing an Kurrent can do for the transport industry.

Transport companies carrying out activities such as shipping, freight, and logistics, have a strong need to track shipments accurately and in near real-time to provide customers with a smooth experience. They also have a requirement for in-depth data analysis to measure efficiency and track against targets like carbon emissions.

Kurrent customers in the transport industry are benefiting from building their systems using Event Sourcing. With their data being stored as events in immutable streams, they have a full audit log and an improved capability for real-time processing.


If you want to know more, contact us and we will explain how Kurrent can help you.