Event Store at DDD Taiwan Conference 2023

Stephen Tung  |  10 October 2023

The DDD Taiwan Conference 2023 was held at the National Taiwan University in Taipei City between 16th-17th September. Event Store was proud to be a silver sponsor this year and we are hoping we can support the strong DDD Taiwan and Asia community.

The DDD Taiwan Community

The DDD Taiwan community is probably one of the largest DDD communities in Asia, with almost 5,000 registered member and 30 core members running operations.

This is amazing considering they only started running 5 years ago.

Although they were hampered by COVID the past couple of years, they have been able to make use of virtual events and online discussions to keep the community engaged and grow.

If you are interested in the community, check out:

Facebook Community Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dddesigntw

Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/DDDCommunity.tw/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/51709246/admin/feed/posts/

DDD Taiwan Conference 2023

The conference itself was an amazing success. Tickets sold out to around 250 attendees and all sessions were jammed packed.

The sessions were filled with young men and women who were engaged, focused and inquisitive. There was great energy and everyone was eager to share and learn.

There was also huge variety of DDD related topics - mostly around how to apply DDD in the practical world and using practices such as Clean Architecture and Event Storming. And there were also a few sessions that were related to Event Sourcing and CQRS.

Here are a few interesting sessions in particular.

Balancing Coupling in Software Design - Vlad Khononov


For those who have not heard of Vlad, he is the author to the book Learning Domain-Driven Design and is soon publishing his new book on Balancing Coupling in Software Design.

He has great knowledge and practical experience with these topics and just an all around great guy.

Vlad opened the conference with his keynote talk on his insight about software coupling and was an extremely refreshing take.

We often emphasize decoupling as a solution to many things. However, as with all things, this backfires when taken to the extreme.

Vlad clearly explained the different types of coupling in software design and how we can balance it to reduce the pain and cost of development.

The way he simplified the equation is both easy to understand and full of wisdom.

Unpacking CQRS with Pattern Language - Teddy Chen

This was the first time I saw Teddy in action, but I was very impressed with his in-depth knowledge in software architecture and practices along with his amazing ability to teach.

He is an agile trainer and consultant, the founder of Teddysoft who also happens to be an adjunct assistant professor at National Taipei University of Technology.

He has been researching and writing papers on software architectures and practices like clean architecture, DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing with particular interest in pattern languages.

He has written a few books on agile, has an active blog and YouTube channel where he posts regularly. And has his own Facebook community where he regularly interacts and teaches the community.

Teddy’s talk is very interesting as he talked about how to organize a code solution that uses CQRS with clean architecture. Particularly, he proposed a set of patterns in CQRS to help expand and clarify the pattern language around concepts that were previously not particularly well defined.

He has also used EventStoreDB in his research and it was interesting to see it in academia!

If you want some good Chinese content on good software practices, go checkout his blog at https://teddy-chen-tw.blogspot.com/

The Superpowers of Event Sourcing - Stephen Tung

I was honored to represent Event Store and share about my thoughts about the benefits of Event Sourcing.

In this beginners’ talk, I spoke about how data flexibility and consistency are the corner stones of event sourcing and how the event log enables it.

With the event log, we are able to transform and distribute complex data to many different forms with a better consistency.

Furthermore, we can use this to help decouple many facets of your solution stack. All the way from storage models to the business model.

If you are interested to know more, be sure to check out my upcoming webinar on Decoupling the Distributed Ball of Mud!


It was great to meet like minded individuals in Asia who would like to see the DDD space grow.

Although DDD community has been gaining traction over the past few years in Taiwan, other nearby Asian countries have not been able to find the same level of success.

There is a lot of potential for DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing to grow in Asia and if you are trying to run a community there, we will like to hear from you and see if we can support you in any way!

Photo of Stephen Tung

Stephen Tung Stephen has been a software practitioner and leader focused on simplifying and tackling the heart of complex business problems. He discovered DDD/CQRS/ES 15 years ago and has never looked back since. He's the father of three, living in Hong Kong, and enjoys to zen out when there is a moment.