Alexey Zimarev | 04 May 2021
On this page, you find instructions how to set up an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) cluster, so it can connect to an...
Brent Roose | 07 April 2021
Whether you like it or not, all of us, including you and I; are constantly influenced by external factors. We often think of our...
Dennis Doomen | 18 March 2021
Strategies for migrating to Event Sourcing Let me start this article by saying that Event Sourcing is a great architecture style...
Alexey Zimarev | 12 March 2021
This article explains how to set up a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, so it can connect to an EventStoreDB cluster in...
Oskar Dudycz | 03 March 2021
The first release of EventStoreDB gRPC happened on 23rd November 2020, one day after my birthday. If you're a JVM developer, I...
Oskar Dudycz | 01 March 2021
Back in version 20.6 of EventStoreDB, we added support for connecting to the database via gRPC. This widely adopted standard...
Oskar Dudycz | 26 February 2021
We're happy to announce that 21.2 EventStoreDB version has been released. In the last quarter, we focused on delivering stable...
Yorick Laupa | 12 February 2021
Before the Rust client became officially supported by EventStoreDB, it was the result of a side-project. Back in 2018, I wanted...
Savvas Kleanthous | 20 January 2021
One of the first things that people hear when they start working with Event Sourcing is regarding the immutability of events, and...