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On-demand webinar

Webinar: Introduction to Event Sourcing in TypeScript and NodeJS

1.5 hours     Oskar Dudycz

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About this webinar

Event Sourcing is perceived as a complex pattern, but this doesn't have to be true. 

Watch this on-demand webinar with Oskar Dudycz to learn how no data is lost in Event Sourcing and why that makes it easier for you to write code closer to your business.

All of that will be shown with practical examples using TypeScript, NodeJS and EventStoreDB, flavoured with a bit of CQRS and DDD.

When you watch this webinar, you'll come away confident knowing:

  • How Event Sourcing works (both write and read model)
  • Understand consistency guarantees in EventStoreDB,
  • How to write a simple Event Sourcing application with TS, NodeJs and EventStoreDB.