Articles A New Era for EventStoreDB At Event Store, we’ve always believed in empowering our community with open-source software while... -
Articles Benefits Of Event Sourcing
In this article we explore the benefits of implementing Event Sourcing to your software architecture and the insights it can... -
Articles How Event Sourcing Can Power Machine Learning
In this guest blog, Chief Architect at Vispera, Kaan Can Fidan explains how they've developed a machine learning pipeline using... -
Articles Why Event Sourcing? Part 3 - The Core Benefits of Event Sourcing
This is the final part of a 3 part series on "Why Event Sourcing". Find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.. If you want to be notified,... -
Articles EventStoreDB Implementation With Event Sourcing
In this article we cover a full end-to-end example, from Event Storming, to creating Event Sourcing and architecture diagrams to... -
Articles CQRS: Dispelling the Myths
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is a design pattern that has gained popularity for its ability to enhance the... -
Articles EventStoreDB and PostgreSQL
With EventStoreDB, there is no need to get rid of everything you’ve built in PostgreSQL. You can use EventStoreDB for your... -
Articles The 3 superpowers of EventStoreDB
As a state-transition database, EventStoreDB can bring you and your team a wealth of benefits to simplify problem solving and... -
Articles Untangle Tightly Coupled Systems with EventStoreDB (Part 2)
This is part 2 of a 3 part series on untangling tightly coupled systems. Sign up for our newsletter using the footer form to be... -
Articles Untangle Tightly Coupled Systems with EventStoreDB (Part 1)
This is part 1 of a 3 part series on untangling tightly coupled systems. Check out part 2 here! Plus, don't forget to register... -
Articles Modernizing Legacy Systems with EventStoreDB
Is modernizing your legacy system a critical challenge faced by your organization? The cost and risks associated with a full... -
Articles 5 reasons why you should embrace immutability in event sourcing
Whether you’re new to Event Sourcing or have adopted the pattern before, we’re sure you’ve heard again and again about this... -
Articles Unleashing AI/ML potential with EventStoreDB
“How does EventStoreDB work with Artificial Intelligence?” is a question that’s increasingly asked by industry analysts,... -
Articles Exploring The Main Features Of EventStoreDB
What Is EventStoreDB? EventStoreDB is an event-native database that goes beyond traditional databases that store just the current... -
Articles Streaming events? You should be storing them.
It was 1494. Luca Pacioli - a Franciscan Monk, mathematician, and friend of Leonardo De Vinci - published a book he’d spent... -
Articles Harnessing EDA with legacy systems: Sidecar Source of Truth
It’s a challenge faced by many businesses seeking to harness the power of event driven architecture with event sourcing as a... -
Articles Exploring the 4 Major Use Cases of EventStoreDB
EventStoreDB is a powerful operational database specifically designed for event-driven architecture. It uses a state-transition... -
Articles The power of EventStoreDB for Fintech: How It's a Game-Changer
In today's digital age, fintech companies like yours are revolutionizing the financial industry. However, with this innovation... -
Articles Save time scavenging with EventStoreDB v22.10
Our Event Store community matters. So when you make suggestions about EventStoreDB, we do our very best to listen and make... -
Articles Building a scalable and reliable event-driven architecture with EventStoreDB and Kafka
EventStoreDB and Kafka are two popular technologies that can be used together to build a highly scalable and reliable... -
Articles Consistency vs Availability in Event Sourced Systems
In this article we look at consistency vs availability in an event-sourced system and the importance of well designed data... -
Articles Event Sourcing vs Audit Log
Want to learn the difference between event sourcing and audit logs? In this article we explain what audit logs and event sourcing... -
Articles Evaluating the Differences Between EventStoreDB and Event Store Cloud
Whether you work for a start-up or a large corporate company, you need a reliable operational database to store and organize... -
Articles A new database technology transforming the fintech industry
As a software architect or developer in the financial industry, you're always on the lookout for new technology that can improve... -
Articles 2023 Trends in Data Engineering
As every developer knows, data sent to data lakes regularly changes meaning over time—fields merge and separate, codes are added,... -
Articles The Power of Real-Time Data: Revolutionize Your Business with EventStoreDB
In today's fast-paced business environment, the ability to make informed decisions quickly and accurately is critical to success.... -
Articles The pitfalls of traditional databases: Audit and Compliance
If you're using a traditional operational database, you may have found that bolting on audit and compliance measures can be a... -
Articles Is your downstream data drifting?
In today's complex and fast-paced business environments, enterprises are often faced with the challenge of managing large amounts... -
Articles Developers' Tips For Event Sourcing & Event-Driven Architecture
If you’ve read our Beginner’s Guide to Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) and Beginner’s Guide to Event Sourcing, you’re probably... -
Articles How to implement Event-Driven Architecture
You’ve heard about Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) on your journey to event sourcing, read the blog posts, and watched the... -
Articles Gossip Seed configuration and Certificate Management for EventStoreDB
Nodes in a cluster can discover the other nodes using one of two methods - gossip seeds, or DNS discovery. -
Articles DNS discovery and Certificate Management for EventStoreDB versions 21.10.5 and beyond
We've been working to simplify wildcard certificate management, so here is some new guidance on certificate management from... -
Articles DDDEU 2022: Win Amazon vouchers in the Blimp Bot competition!
If you're at DDDEU 2022 and have a look in your goodie bag, you will find an Event Store Blimp Bot. These Blimp Bots are your... -
Articles A Year in the (Event Store) Cloud
Event Store Cloud has now been in GA for a whole year. It’s been a year of learning and development, and we’re so excited to see... -
Articles Event Store at DDDEU2022: who is speaking and how can you join us?
DDDEU2022 is back in Amsterdam this year, and we're delighted to be attending in person this year! Lots of members of the Event... -
Articles Service-Oriented Architecture vs Event-Driven Architecture
We all want useful and interesting content pushed to us. News alerts appear on our phones, message notifications appear on our... -
Articles Event Store at events in 2022
The Event Store team is going to be out and about this year, attending conferences, meetups and giving talks. If you want to see... -
Articles Our road to cyber security certification: We did it! Lessons learned
I haven’t posted anything in recent months, for a good reason: I was super focused and busy with our final steps towards our... -
Articles Event Store: On-premise or Cloud
These days, security has become essential to modern data management. Every data-centric business is becoming more vulnerable to... -
Articles What are the security certifications Event Store has achieved?
Event Store was recently awarded ISO 27001:2013 certification and SOC 2 Type 1 attestation from the external auditing company... -
Articles What’s in an (event) name?
When Juliet asked Romeo “What’s in a Name?” she was trying to wish away family history—the inheritance, customs, and all the... -
Articles Keep your streams short! Temporal modeling for fast reads and optimal data retention
Modeling is hard. We need to take so many things into account. This article will explain the basics of temporal modeling, a... -
Articles Event Store Cloud: Our journey to the Cloud
Event Store Cloud has been an important project for us, and we’re committed to making it better and better. As Event Store Cloud... -
Articles Live projections for read models with Event Sourcing and CQRS
Many articles about CQRS and Event Sourcing show the most heavyweight implementation of the query side (aka read models), without... -
Articles Our road to cybersecurity certification II
In my previous post, we talked about the decision to obtain a cybersecurity certification and what were our initial steps. -
Articles Migrate to Event Store Cloud today in just 4 simple steps
Getting started with Event Store Cloud may seem like a challenge, but actually, with just 4 simple steps, you can be up and... -
Articles Requirements for the storage of events
As Event Sourcing gains traction as an application persistence pattern, moving from a niche application and into the mainstream... -
Articles Generating insight: training Machine Learning models with events
Due to the vast amount of operational parameters at play in tool manufacturing, cost and price calculation for custom tools and... -
Articles Protecting Sensitive Data in Event-Sourced Systems with Crypto Shredding
As opposed to more traditional systems where the state is persisted in a database and where CRUD operations are exposed to mutate... -
Articles How To Test Event-Sourced Applications
In this article Yves Lorphelin, Principle Solutions Architect at Event Store, explains how to test event-sourced applications... -
Articles Bloom Filters in EventStoreDB
How many new streams can be created per second in EventStoreDB? -
Articles Counterexamples regarding consistency in event sourced solutions (Part 4)
In Part 3 we looked at a counter-example rooted in the lack of a clear 'source' for transitions of data. Having competing sources... -
Articles Counterexamples regarding consistency in event sourced solutions (Part 3)
In Part 2 we looked at two counterexamples, one related to failing projections, and another about how not to propagate domain... -
Articles Counterexamples regarding consistency in event sourced solutions (Part 2)
In Part 1 the introduction talked about certain blind-spots we may have, when getting into event sourcing. We also covered the... -
Articles Counterexamples regarding consistency in event sourced solutions (Part 1)
Some mistakes can easily be prevented, by knowing how to avoid them. Some things may seem implicit and obvious to some people,... -
Articles Getting started with Elixir and EventStoreDB with the Spear gRPC client
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language built on the Erlang VM. Elixir has powerful built-in abstractions for writing reactive,... -
Articles Event Store Replicator
After customers started using Event Store Cloud, we began receiving questions about migrating their existing databases to the... -
Articles The many ways to connect to Event Store Cloud
Event Store Cloud was built with rock solid Production stability and security in mind; as such, it uses TLS between any external... -
Articles The Features of Event Store Cloud
Event Store Cloud has entered General Availability (GA), and with a wealth of new features, now's the time to analyse you... -
Articles Monitoring Your EventStoreDB With Prometheus And Grafana
I would like to introduce you to some concepts related to system monitoring and demonstrate how you can gather and analyze... -
Articles Snapshots in Event Sourcing
Contents What are snapshots in Event Sourcing? When to take a snapshot Disadvantages of snapshots Where and when to store... -
Articles Our road to cybersecurity certification
Hello everybody, and welcome to our new blog post series where we will share our experience of working towards the certification... -
Articles What's the difference between a command and an event?
What’s the difference between a command and an event? The answer seems apparent, but let’s see if it's straightforward. -
Articles Connecting Event Store Cloud to Azure Kubernetes Services
On this page, you find instructions how to set up an Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) cluster, so it can connect to an... -
Articles Connecting Event Store Cloud to Elastic Kubernetes Services
On this page, you find instructions how to set up an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) cluster, so it can connect to an... -
Articles PHP and Event Sourcing
Whether you like it or not, all of us, including you and I; are constantly influenced by external factors. We often think of our... -
Articles How to gradually migrate from CRUD to Event Sourcing
Strategies for migrating to Event Sourcing Let me start this article by saying that Event Sourcing is a great architecture style... -
Articles Connecting Event Store Cloud to Google Kubernetes Engine
This article explains how to set up a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, so it can connect to an EventStoreDB cluster in... -
Articles When to go from collaborative modelling to coding? Part 2
Part one is available here. -
Articles When to go from collaborative modelling to coding? Part 1
Part I: this is a what now? When we are asked to consult companies to help them start with Domain-Driven Design and collaborative... -
Articles The Story of the Event Store Rust Client
Before the Rust client became officially supported by EventStoreDB, it was the result of a side-project. Back in 2018, I wanted... -
Articles Event immutability and dealing with change
One of the first things that people hear when they start working with Event Sourcing is regarding the immutability of events, and... -
Articles Read-only replicas
In version 20.6 of EventStoreDB, we provided the option to designate a node as a read-only replica. -
Articles A Story of Simple Solutions that Led to Complex Problems
At Internovus, we always strived to be pragmatic: always do the simplest thing that will do the job. This strategy allowed us to... -
Articles Turning the database inside out with Event Store
A few years ago when I was just learning about CQRS and Event Sourcing I read the transcript of a fantastic talk by Martin... -
Articles Microsoft Orleans with EventStoreDB
Microsoft Orleans is a cross-platform framework for building distributed applications using Virtual Actors. A Virtual Actor,... -
Articles Server-Side Filtering
In the latest version of EventStoreDB, we brought out a new feature, server-side filtering. This feature allows you to pass a... -
Articles Event Sourcing and CQRS
CQRS stands for Command-Query Segregation Principle. Greg Young described (and named) the pattern thoroughly in 2010, but the... -
Articles EventStorming Modelling Patterns: Going Beyond the Superficial
EventStorming has been revolutionary in the world of Domain-Driven Design. No technique has enabled domain experts and software... -
Articles Convince your CTO to use Event Sourcing
As software engineers, we have probably encountered situations where we needed to convince somebody to go with a particular... -
Articles Subscription service for EventStoreDB
This is a guest post - Steven Blair is a Software Architect at VME Retail Ltd. Introduction We have released version 1.0.0 of the... - Load more